For Everybody

A lot of pupils face the problem of the lack of time. They think they are not very good  at school subjects because of it. We found some "secrets of time" and we hope that the following pieces of advice will be useful for every child. So, if you want to be a successful pupil, you should:

1) Plan your activities every day.
2) Make a daily schedule and keep it. You can make a separate schedule for each day of the week or one for weekdays and one for weekends.
3) Realize what you “have to do” and what you “want to do”.
4) Give everything you need to do a time limit.
5) Don’t waste your time.

6) Don’t be lazy.
7) Try to make your life more interesting.
8) Believe in your success.
9) Plan your time in order to have some free time for your personal needs.
10) Keep your room in order.
11) Finish one activity before you start doing another.
12) Have your clock in the place where you see it very well.
13) Remember that every day is small life and love it!!!

Have a good luck in managing your time!

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